Explore the current state of ABM in APAC
APAC marketers face a unique set of challenges when implementing ABM as part of their GTM strategy — our report explores the current state of practice, unique challenges faced by marketers, and insights from industry leaders on the present ABM landscape and future trends.
Discover the results from a survey to over 100 senior marketers in the region along with thoughts from six key industry leaders from B2B brands, such as:
- 56% of APAC marketers cite personalised content, communications, and experiences as the top challenge in deploying successful ABM programmes
- 63% of APAC marketers say the tension between needing to show short and long-term wins starts with conflict between marketing leaders and C-suite
- 81% of APAC marketers are concurrently managing more than one type of ABM program
Download the report to learn more