In 2019, we set an ambitious three-year plan to take MOI to the next level as a B2B global marketing agency. To give you an idea of how high we were aiming, one of our objectives was to increase the number of employees from 100 to 250 globally. Internally, we refer to the end goal of this three-year plan as “MOI 2.0”.
But how did 2020 really turn out? Well…
You’d think that COVID-19 would have put a stop to our plans.
But rather than our growth goals being pushed back by a year, as we initially thought, we’re actually ahead of schedule.
How? Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?
Of course, it helps that our clients deliver the technologies and services that keep the modern world moving and make the large-scale shift to working from home possible.
But, as much as I love working with our clients, I can’t give them all the credit here.
The reason why MOI is in such a great position (despite COVID-19) as 2020 draws to a close is all the incredible people and talent of MOI.
But that did not happen by accident.
MOI’s training and development programme
“The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people.”
Henry Ford
What keeps me excited about going into the office each day (even if that office happens to be in my house right now) is helping to drive the continued success of the agency.
As MOI’s Global Chief People Officer, I aim to do that through my responsibility for the well-being, development, education, empowerment, and success of MOI’s people.
I have always been passionate about attracting the best talent to the business and giving them meaningful careers by nurturing them to reach their full potential. This year, we took that commitment up a gear by moving even more of our focus onto the people of MOI – because we know that they are what make MOI Global truly great.
We set up a series of training and development programmes to support every MOI employee’s desire to learn, create, innovate, improve, be inspired, succeed, and above all, to enjoy the company of like-minded professionals.
A brief overview of our ‘MOI 2.0 People Plan’
Our training and development programme consists of four parts, which each support employees along their entire MOI journeys, from interns all the way to the top performers who want to reach even greater heights.
1. M|Engage – for the complete employee journey
We want to create an exciting, engaging and empowering journey for everyone, from recruitment and onboarding, and all throughout an employee’s time at MOI. The goal is to inspire, enhance and energise every interaction at MOI and to forge a unique and appealing culture.
2. M|University – training and learning for everyone
The MOI University features regular sharing sessions to help train and inspire everyone to develop their roles and careers, making us more knowledgeable, capable and driven in the value of creating Turning Heads marketing communications.
3. M|Accelerate – harnessing the potential of top performers
Even the more experienced, responsible and skilful members of MOI get support in realising their full potential. We are committed to helping high achievers flourish and reach meaningful, personal, and ambitious goals.
4. M|Academy – the forum for our future business leaders
The MOI Academy is where our interns and junior employees get an in-depth introduction to the world of B2B marketing. These passionate, visionary and creative young professionals are given the tools, knowledge and experience they need to make an impact in the world of B2B marketing. They play a vital role in evolving MOI’s fun, outgoing, and modern approach to B2B marketing. They represent the future of the business.
Putting employees at the centre of everything
Building a business that puts employees truly at the centre of everything does not happen by accident, especially when you’re growing quickly.
It requires a dedicated focus and investment across the whole business. It requires clear infrastructure and support from leadership. And it requires a genuine desire to enhance the employee experience and improve collaboration and skills.
It may not be easy, but I’m committed to empowering everyone in the agency to succeed through consistent processes and structures. Luckily, I’ve got some great people around me to help.