As society emerges from the pandemic’s shadow, at MOI we’re striving to build a more balanced, positive, and productive world for all our employees across the globe.
The rigid work schedules that once defined our lives are no longer necessary—thanks to both a shift in mindset and advancing technology. These changes have opened the door to a flexible future of blended working, where employees are empowered to work wherever best suits them—be that at home, the office, or the Scottish Highlands (more on that later).
Putting people in control
Blended working is a model that empowers employees to make decisions that dictate their own working life. To form the right approach, at MOI we looked in the mirror and asked ourselves the big questions:
“Where am I most productive? How can I help build a culture of creativity? What can I do to form stronger relationships with my colleagues?”
Here, each of us would of course have our own answers. But we found the overriding sentiment to be that a future of blended working helps our people live their best life.
Blended working in action
Several weeks ago, the leadership team at MOI had our first face-to-face meeting since March 2020. Of course, we had a lot of catching up to do. Then talk turned to business.
So far it might sound just like any meeting you could have virtually. But believe me, it wasn’t. Being in the same room as my colleagues was a joy. I found even the more mundane business matters engaging and informative.
Bouncing off one another, reading body language, social cues, throwing in the odd jokey comment, this wasn’t a meeting, it was old friends coming together. And once finished, I didn’t leave rubbing my eyes, in need of a screen break; I left with a spring in my step, excited about future possibilities.
Blended working isn’t about making such meetings part of the daily routine. Travelling an hour each way for a two-hour meeting would get old quickly. But coming together every so often is clearly a powerful way to build relationships, blast through to-do lists, and spark creativity.
Developing lives inside and outside of work
In our meeting room there was a notable absentee. For the last few months, a member of our leadership team has spent their evenings and weekends exploring the Scottish Highlands, while working on their laptop in the daytime.
Other MOI’ers are also taking advantage of blended working, relocating to beauty spots far from our HQ. For most of the year these employees work with a splendid view. And for special occasions where face-to-face contact is needed, they travel to the office in what becomes a joyous rendezvous of friends.
In this way, we’re supporting our people develop personally as well as at work. We don’t want to hold employees back; we want to help everyone achieve their dreams.
Blended works best
Blended working is just the latest step in our journey to put our people in control of their own futures.
Together with initiatives like ‘Why’ training, personal development packs, and Making Heroes—where MOI’ers advertise their achievements, with big prizes at stake—we’re giving our employees a voice, and are listening hard to their every word.